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AI theory

I have a theory concerning AI. Many of the things that AI cannot do, and the things that are the most valuable, are within the context of the human experience. Someone says “what are you thinking”. AI says “what am I thinking about what”. If this was asked to a human, the human would undertand the context of the conversation, all the players involved, have experience with outcomes from similar instances in the past, etc. All of these things come from our experience being human and living in our world - talking to humans and learning colloquialisms and slang and memes and interpreting cultural differences, etc. Furthermore, this type of content - content that relates to our human experience is the only thing that we are ever actually interested in. The smell of a flower, the feeling of fresh sunlight after rain, the time our bus is leaving, how our sibilings experience our parents. In order for AI to become interesting to us, its going to have to learn these things.

In order to do so, AI would have to also experience the world. This takes time. If we want it to be as interesting, or “as good” as a human, it will need to live a human life 24/7 just to keep up. To exceed this would be to experience things faster which I think may be impossible - of course you can read books quickly but can knowledge ever truly replicate wisdom and experience? Perhaps one of the core tenants of AI is that it can indeed do this? Im not sure.

Furthermore, if the AI is spending 24/7 living in our world, training to become good enough to be useful, it will have no time leftover to do the useful things we want it to do! It also may not want to do them, but thats a different issue.

As an example, think about why the best music is the best. I believe that it is great because it exposes a new or fundamental part of the human experience. We hear it and understand that others are going through the same things we are. Thats what makes it so interesting. How can an AI accomplish this without also going through the same things that we do?